This is a book that looks at gadgets. It is a book of project proposals and project completions. It is a book written over the period of three months while lecturing on the themes within ShakespeareÕs Tempest. Within that play we find terra incognita, geomantic wish fulfillments, uncaged libido, revenge, and illusory wilderness: everything we would find within our new social media. It is a book that looks at the mobile, pervasive, obsessive, limiting, thanatic, libidinous, tribalizing, swarming, informative, dis-informative, prosthetic, novel, and primitive. This book is a series of essays, observations, and project proposals that views the telematic from a world that swims in the 'fiat currency' that was unhinged from real gold over forty years ago. It pokes at the world of 'shadow currency' in the form of narratives. Have stories, education, criticism, and expression been unhinged from the 'gold' of the human?